Cultural Digital #019 - Kanye and proposals
Cultural Digital
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With no further ado…
The Life of Pablol lets you generate your own Kanye-style album cover, as I have done.
Arts Council England have put out a proposal for how they're going to allocate funds from 2018. It includes this interesting nugget:
"We propose a funding criteria that ensures we are flexible enough to respond to new ways that people make, experience, share and consume art and culture. For example, activity we might fund would include prototyping new cultural and creative industry products and services; artistic or cultural games; or digital content about arts and culture including educational content and documentaries."
Julian Fellowes' new project is an app called ‘Belgravia’. Coverage of which may (or may not) have inspired Adrian Hon to write How to Succeed in Digital Storytelling. Snarktastic.
Right to Copy launches in April and will be "the first magazine to discuss what copyright means for art — and to promote the possibilities of art without it".
Sad/disappointed faces are being pointed in the general direction of Google. Never trust a corporation to do a library’s job and Google’s slow fade with librarians.
The Guardian's Tech Weekly Podcast looked at art in the age of the internet.
Yarn is a "community storytelling application designed to allow users to create stories, using material from the web and from archive partners such as the BBC, National Media Museum and the Science Museum". So… a museum-y Storify? I think it's just a prototype at the moment and seems to have come out of The Pararchive Project.
The Museum Computer Group have put out a call for papers for Life Support: living with digital projects, which is their Spring 2016 workshop.
The V&A's Kati Price talks about all the digital stuff they're doing, plus some of the thinking behind it all.
If you'd like a walking tour app for your heritage site (I'm assuming you do have such a site) then check out this from Calvium. I'm not 100% sure what it is they're proposing, but I hear they're good people.
Other newsletters are (were) available
I'm not sure how I stumbled across the Royal Opera House Bridge email newsletter, as it seems to have finished a few months back, but it looks like it was very good.
Stuart Buchanan introduces ARTSDIGITAL "a fortnightly newsletter from the intersection of arts and digital". What a splendid idea.
New websites
For DanceXchange, Sheffield Theatres, and English National Opera.
I did user testing and analytics implementation for the latter. Yay me.
23 Feb 2016, London, Digital Futures
21 March, London, Innovation in Culture Tech Speed Networking
12-16 April 2016, Belgrade, Resonate '16
See you again next week.
Chris Unitt
I work with cultural organisations on projects that involve digital strategy, content and (especially) analytics. Visit One Further to find out more. Or hit the reply button and say hello.