Cultural Digital #025 -Â
Cultural Digital
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Nothing for ages and then two emails in one week? I've still got plenty in the backlog and not everything's going to fit in this email, so hold tight for data and music visualisation next week.
For now…
For Virtual Art Sessions, Google gave six artists paint brushes that allowed them to paint in a 3D virtual environment. They then recorded them in such a way that you can watch them back from any angle.
The last email had a huge list of new websites that have been launched over the past few weeks (to which we can add Guggenheim, Town Hall & Symphony Hall Birmingham, and Theatre Royal Newcastle). Here's some of the posts about those sites.
The new V&A website – the inside story. This is the more in-depth post - here's the short launch announcement - and further posts may well be forthcoming. Let them know if there's anything you want to hear about.
Meet the new
Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust talk about their new collections site. "Historically, the three sections of our collection, museums, library and archive, have been managed separately with different systems and different procedures."
Arts Professional went for the jugular over the Arts Council removing research from their new website. "By removing web content and failing to redirect URLs, ACE has thwarted search engines and broken inbound links to its new website, leaving reports and documents untraceable and unsearchable".
Which was daft, but I think AP might've got a bit carried away. A follow-up piece contained the rather unnecessary line "ACE has declined to say whether anyone will be fired as a consequence of problems associated with its new website". I mean, really?
Obviously, the whole thing could have been managed more sensibly. An explanation to the effect of 'well, the analytics said those pages weren't being looked at much' didn't inspire confidence. But still - an error was pointed out (if in a rather shrill way) and changes have been made. Hooray for iterative development, right?
Anyway, enough of how websites were built. Here's a behind-the-scenes (and then some) from Illuminations Media on The making of Shakespeare Live!
Spektrix go over The 7 Principles of CRM for the Arts. Which I'm not linking to just because I got a nice namecheck. Honest.
Speaking of CRM, here's Why Donors Stop Giving Money to Cultural Organizations.
Understanding the impact of event cinema Further research is being done. There's a survey to fill out here.
More surveying. This one's on “Online resources for the History of Art and Architecture - best practice.”
Move over, chatbots: meet the artbots.
Rhizome have announced the participants for the next Seven on Seven.
Gamifying Museums. I'm pretty sure this has been written with tongue in cheek.
"Museums should skip steadily progressing 20 years behind digital culture and jump right up to date borrowing the scummiest and unethical but addictive and sometimes lucrative practices from current social media platforms and the ballooning free-to-play models that even giants of gaming seem to be pursuing. Introducing the MyMuseum app (working title)".
Ok, I'm nearly caught up now.
Chris Unitt
I work with cultural organisations on projects that involve digital strategy, content and (especially) analytics. Visit One Further to find out more. Or just hit the reply button and say hello.