Cultural Digital #027 - contains inevitability
Cultural Digital
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Let's start with this, which was presented on the façade of the highest tower in Hong Kong back in March.
That's 77,000sqm of urban media screen. The piece is called "Inevitable Death of the Universe".
SFMOMA's new audio tour have been getting lots of love. The Verge described it as "the best indoor location-tracking experience I’ve had". While Wired said Audio Guides Are … Meh. But the New SFMOMA’s Is Crazy Smart.
There's been some good coverage of the de Young Museum's audio guides too.
Nesta have published a couple of evaluation reports looking at the performance of the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts. Also, from Nesta, FutureFest Art Prize 2016: Call for Artists
Our Digital Strategy | Science Museum Blog. "Today we are publishing the Science Museum Group Digital Strategy which outlines a three-year programme of digital activity that will transform how our audiences experience the four museums in the group digitally". This from John Stack, who's got previous when it comes to writing interesting digital strategy docs.
Interactive poster lets passersby conduct orchestra. This is from the Budapest Festival Orchestra.
Shattered Streams is "an experiment in musical ephemerality, presenting original music from 31 artists throughout the month of May". From Red Bull Music Academy.
Vincent van Bot: the robots turning their hand to art. "Twenty-six robots designed by students across the US will compete in an art contest that offers a glimpse into the creative potentials of artificial intelligence".
Barry's Blog: Communications Survey Report. "I spent considerable time last year investigating how the nonprofit arts use communications internally in their organizations and externally within the sector".
New websites for The Space and Greenwich Library.
Best of 3: WCMT Acquittal Draft: Digital Innovation Courtney Johnston's thoughts on digital innovation following a research trip around American museums last year concludes with this:
"While there is steady innovation in this space, and it is exciting to see such an emphasis on enhancing the visitor's experience and their ability to connect to the works on display, there also seems to have been a shift in focus from 'global' to 'local', and a reduction in sector-wide, collaborative endeavours".
As always, please forward this on to others if you think it's a Good Thing. You can share this link too, if you're feeling extra generous.
Chris Unitt
I work with cultural organisations on projects that involve digital strategy, content and (especially) analytics. Visit One Further to find out more. Or just hit the reply button and say hello.