Cultural Digital newsletter #51
Cultural Digital
There was no email last week because nothing interesting happened. KIDDING! I was just doing other stuff. With conference season in full swing right now, hopefully you were getting your fill of updates from alternative sources.
Either way, I've got a mixed bag of conference round-ups, articles about ticketing, and an assortment of other bits and pieces. Starting with the news that…
MoMA have acquired the original emoji set.
The MCN Conference happened in New Orleans. I found a round-up of any presentations yet (anyone?), but here's a YouTube playlist of the rapid-fire Ignite talks.
Here's a round-up from Let’s Get Real 2016, which this year was all about the 'online cultural offer'.
Some stories about ticketing. Ticketing and CRM systems – making the most of what museums offer in the digital age from M+H Advisor is a quick intro linking to four case studies featuring the British Airways i360 attraction, Bristol Museum, Bressingham Steam Museums, Royal Museums Greenwich.
A former ticketing bot operator explains how 'The whole system is rigged', and MusicalAmerica have put out a special report called The Move to Mobile: Ticketing, Programming & Marketing in the Arts.
What video content do audiences want? English Touring Opera have done some research with some interesting conclusions. I'd be interested in seeing how findings might differ across artforms.
A couple of virtual historical things. A responsive hologram of a Holocaust survivor, and a VR experience commissioned for the proposed Women’s History Museum in Washington D.C.
Enriching our Online Collections - Managing image rights for digital surrogates. "Auckland Museum has recently developed a Copyright Framework that incorporates the OpenGLAM philosophy and utilises Creative Commons licensing to open up digital content where possible for reuse".
Artivity "enables you to easily record and share the entire creation process of your digital artwork".
International Journal for Digital Art History are proud to announce that their second issue "Visualizing Big Image Data" is now available.
The Warhol Museum has put out a new (accessible) audio guide and open-sourced the code for it too.
New websites
Fashion and Freedom, International Society for Music Education, Maxim Gorki Theater, National Campaign For The Arts, Royal Court, V&A Shop.
5 November, London: Digital Futures: e-stitches (ok, it was yesterday, but it's still worth knowing about these things)
25 November, London: Parallel Worlds – a new videogame design conference
26 & 27 November 2016, Sheffield: meSch and Friends
There are digital-related jobs up for grabs at Spotlight and THSH Birmingham.
One last thing for all the US people on this list. I'm going to be in Las Vegas for a few days at the beginning of December, and an excursion to LA, SF, etc would be totally do-able. Just saying.
Thanks for reading, and for convincing all your friends and colleagues to sing up to (*hint*). Back again next week (probably).
Chris Unitt
I work with lots of really good cultural organisations on projects involving digital analytics, user testing, and all sorts of other related things. Visit One Further for more on that.