Cultural Digital newsletter #54
Cultural Digital
This week we've got dance, awards, live video, AR, apps, and… well, why spoil the surprise?
We'll start with #MannequinChallenge - Structure from Motion. I never really got into this particular craze (was it big enough to count as a craze?), but I like this.
That very narrowly pipped a few other items for the coveted top spot this week. Keep an eye out for the penguins and tubas.
Why the ‘Uber effect’ is proving elusive for online platforms is an interesting look at why the art market has yet to be significantly disrupted by technology. In a nutshell, the argument is that art sales platforms are "not disruptive, merely competitive, and the art market’s high barriers to entry may limit the innovations that can be implemented".
Sharna Jackson with 5 things I’ve learned creating digital things for kids (in the arts and beyond).
National Museums Scotland have done some experiments with Facebook Live video. This is a nice, long explanation.
Apps are still a thing. Who knew? Although to be fair, this Japanese aquarium's use of penguins for wayfinding is brilliant. While we're on the subject, the NYT has been poking around the new Natural History Museum app.
Art UK won at the Apollo Awards 2016 and in the art category of the Good Web Guide's Website of the Year 2016. Ingresso's From the Box Office won in the latter awards too. At the IDCA awards, the V&A and Art Institute of Chicago were winners in the website and app categories respectively.
Scottish Ballet's next season will include a 'digital dance programme' "The inaugural digital season – said to be the first time a ballet company has curated a month-long programme of projects made for the format – aims to explore “a new way to present dance” and features “pioneering” projects".
Watershed and Royal Shakespeare Company announce Creative Lab, this being related to The Tempest. "Together the artists will explore and inspire new ideas that blend technology and art expanding the themes of the play beyond the stage and potentially create new experiences for audiences around Shakespeare’s great play".
Holo is a magazine about "emerging trajectories in art, science, and technology". Issue 2 has just been released.
My dad accidentally texted me with voice recognition...while playing the tuba. Ha!
New websites
Kennedy Centre - JFKC, Snape Maltings
29 November 2016, London: Creative Data Club x Music Hackspace: Track. Translate. Transmit
8 December 2016, London: Dorkbot
There are digital-related jobs up for grabs at Spotlight, Science Museum, Royal Armouries, Storyhouse, and Art UK.
Thanks for reading and, as always, I'm really grateful to anyone for sharing this with other people (here's a handy link).
Chris Unitt
I work with lots of really good cultural organisations on projects involving digital analytics and user research. Visit One Further for more on that.