Cultural Digital newsletter #57 - the last one of the year
Cultural Digital
Wow, when was the last time this newsletter came out on a Friday?
Firstly, a big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey last week. A surprising number of you did, and there were many nice comments (very heartwarming) and thoughtful suggestions (very useful). So thanks for doing that. And now, on with the show.
Big Printer is an installation by kling klang klong and schnellebuntebilder that features a mix of old and new tech. It prints and destroys data about passers-by and was displayed in Wroclaw, Poland for 3 weeks earlier in the year.
7 things we learnt from World Ballet Day 2016 — the longest-ever Facebook LIVE. Lots of interesting factoids from Tom Nelson at the Royal Opera House here.
FutureEverything have announced the seven artists in their new FAULT LINES programme which "aims to encourage the development of new artwork across forms and sectors, and explore how artists can have an impact on innovation in the technology sector".
Detour is the company that SFMOMA worked with on their much-discussed location-based audiotours. They have now announced that they're opening the platform up to others wanting to do something similar.
ArtRabbit have now got an app (iOS and Android) you can use to find exhibitions and events. They've also got an interview with digital artist Molly Soda.
Who's going to be the first cultural organisation to announce a new strategy? I'm joking, obviously, but this article interviews some of the platform's early stars and is a good intro in case you've not heard of it before. The thing that struck me is how quickly the talent agencies are moving in on this sort of thing these days.
How The Tech Sector Could Move In One Direction. Bear with me. On the one hand, this is a really good read on how to bring more diversity into tech industry hiring practices. On the other, it's a really good example of digitally-enabled fan communities.
Boston Chief of Arts and Culture Julie Burros' Take on Technology. I've not listened to this interview yet, but that shouldn't stop you knowing about it.
How Big Data is set to change the art market "We’ll really have something,” he says, “if someone cracks the code on how you aggregate data in the private market, and how you incentivise private dealers and gallerists to disclose it.” There's something for you to ponder over the next few weeks.
New websites
Artazart, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, MIT Media Lab, Mysteryland.
13-17 March, Munich: Coding Dürer – International Hackathon for Art History
23 March 2017, London: 12th TiLEzone London
There are digital-related jobs up for grabs at Arts Alive Wales and Waddesdon.
I'll be giving this newsletter a rest over the next few weeks and will pick up again in the new year. So enjoy your Christmas/Hanukkah/new year/winterval (delete as applicable).
Thanks for reading.
Chris Unitt
I work with lots of really good cultural organisations on projects involving digital analytics and user research. Visit One Further for more on that.