Cultural Digital newsletter #97
Cultural Digital
This week I'm handing over to Gavin Mallory. Gavin works at Cogapp, who you may know from the Digital Strategy for Museums Guide, among other things.
He's put together links covering some current areas of interest. So take it away, Gavin…
Slowing Down
I’ve been getting really into the idea of slowing down in all it’s forms recently, and that’s the theme through these links.
Unwind: Let’s start by getting in the zone with Unwind which promises "Music created by artists, fine-tuned by machines, responding to your natural rhythms to help you rest”.
A Year of Drawing: “Are you curious about where drawing can take you? What can you use to make a mark? What will happen once you begin?” This art and mental health programme is touring the Kent and Sussex area until January.
Deeper, more meaningful art-experiences with digital: A piece I wrote about slow looking, and how it’s going to revolutionise how we view art online.
Short Trip: Help a hand-drawn cat drive a hand-drawn tram. Turn the sound up and (once you figure out the controls) enjoy this relaxing yet strangely satisfying game.
Slow Looking: If you’re in the mood for something more academic, then this is the link to click. “David M. Lubin, Oxford’s inaugural Terra Foundation Visiting Professor of American Art, delivered a guest lecture on “Slow Looking” to the Concepts and Methods of Art History class in November 2016."
Longform content
In a related passion, I’m also exploring techniques to successfully deliver engaging longform content. Here’s some interesting things I’ve discovered and enjoy.
The Pudding and Polygraph: The best longform visual essays you’re likely to see this week. There’s so many good ones, but I love film dialogue and music history.
Net Art Anthology: "Retelling the history of net art from the 1980’s to the present day”.
A Place for Sharing Ideas and Stories: The story of this agency’s contributions to Medium. Great to see the evolution of the site, and to demonstrate the amount of thinking that goes into something that appears to be simple. I also like the engaging (but not overly swooshy) way the tale is told.
Other things worth reading, tapping and clicking
The best family-friendly museums in the UK: This one will be useful for you soon Mr Unitt :-)
Sgt Pepper Photos: "Discovering the source photos for The Beatles' 1967 album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" Love the dedication of this chap. Inspiring and interesting.
Let’s Fund Teams Not Projects: I tweeted this and people seemed to like it, so resharing here.
A look at the times when robots could talk, smoke or play golf: Amazing photos and stories (thanks Google Translate) of early robots.
Ableton Making Music: Probably my favourite ever thing from the Cultural Digital newsletter. If you haven’t tried it, you must. And if you have, go on - treat yourself to another go.
There are very likely to be some digital-related jobs listed here, but this is being written ahead of time, so I'm not sure exactly what.
Please give Gavin a big round of applause for stepping in this week (he's @gavin_mallory on Twitter). I think Short Trip was my favourite thing.
Until next time
Chris Unitt
The Library launches very soon and there's still time to take advantage of a hefty discount.