Cultural Digital newsletter #149
Cultural Digital
This week we have music, Google stuff, and a rare sighting of some events.
Very Slow Movie Player plays movies very slowly. But apparently that's not all: "A film watched at 1/3,600th of the original speed is not just a very slow movie, it's a way to you see yourself against the smear of time". I dunno about that, but I quite like this all the same. There's a full write up of the project here.
Streaming news:
How AI figures out exactly what kind of music you like. "Andreas Ehmann, manager of research and data science at Pandora, talks to MarketWatch about the science behind using data to help users discover new music and enable artists to reach new fan bases".
Independent Music Publicists Grapple With a Shrinking Media Landscape. 'Like a lot of music publicists, Nathan Walker keeps a spreadsheet of the media outlets he pitches to. Recently, while updating it, he came to a startling realization: "I'd say over a third of the outlets that were there in 2014 have now folded."'
I always feel a bit uneasy about including all the stuff the big G are doing. It's great and all, but y'know. Anyway, here's some recent stuff:
Google’s Chrome Canvas is a handy browser app for quick doodles ."Google has quietly released a progressive web app called Chrome Canvas that lets you make quick doodles that automatically save to your Google account".
Art Images: Drawing/Painting/Sculptures/Engravings. A Kaggle (owned by Google) dataset with "about 9000 images containing 5 types of arts".
The story behind Stories and our journalistic approach to digital content. "A change in editorial strategy — from blogging to magazine-style storytelling — has enabled Wellcome Collection to reach more people with more engaging content than ever before".
The Beginner’s Guide to 3D Film Technologies. Confused by the differences between 360° Film, Stereo 3D and Volumetric Capture? Suzanne Leibrick explains.
The Whitney’s Mobile Guide. "We are now proud to share our roll-out of the Whitney’s first Mobile Guide, a progressive web app, which launched in the Fall of 2018, and to share some of our early successes".
Mentoring | The Space. There's a new strategic mentoring programme "designed to help cultural organisations identify where and how to embed digital as part of their core audience development and creative strategies".
CultureCase - The difference between online and in-person visits to a museum. "The researchers asked whether people visit the museum’s online presence instead of going to the physical building. They tend not to".
Some events
Hacking the Past: An Archives Game Jam. "The National Archives in collaboration with the Bentham Project, University College London are coming together to create a game jam, focusing on games with a purpose".
Code+Libraries is "a day-long open summit in which participants will explore ways that Libraries and the creative coding community can work together".
Conference 2019 – Researching Digital Cultural Heritage. This has a focus on "examining the ethical implications and considerations of using digital media in researching cultural heritage".
Let’s Get Real 6 is all about "understanding the social purpose of digital technology for arts and heritage organisations".
By the way, if you ever feel that there's too much in these emails to keep up with, and you never get to read everything, then don't worry (I hear this a fair bit). My advice would be to close all those unread tabs and get on with something else - nothing bad will happen.
Anyway, as ever, please share the good things around and I'll be back next week.
Chris Unitt
The Library is a treasure trove of arts/digital info. It's just been updated with new websites, suppliers, and job descriptions. Find out more about The Library.